HVAC Upgrades That Help You Save

A programmable thermostat like this one can help you lower you HVAC bills

No matter where you are in the Central Valley, you know your HVAC system can take a big bite out of your wallet. This is especially actual since HVAC usage makes up nearly half of your home’s annual energy consumption. It takes a month of sweltering or freezing temperatures to make your monthly heating and cooling costs skyrocket. This temperature change may make you struggle to keep your home comfortable on budget.

Fortunately, you can take advantage of the latest trends in HVAC technology to make your system more energy-efficient. Here’s a look at a few upgrades that can boost your system’s performance while curbing its energy usage.

Upgrade #1: The Smart Thermostat

One of the easiest ways to upgrade your HVAC system is by ditching your current thermostat for a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats work just like your old programmable thermostat, except they have additional benefits.

What makes these thermostats smart is their long list of unique features. Nearly all smart thermostats are Wi-Fi enabled. This wireless connection allows you to control your thermostat remotely from your smartphone or any other portable device. Smart thermostats also feature self-learning capability, allowing them to study and predict your daily HVAC usage habits. With this information, they can automatically make adjustments according to your routine.

Add-ons like room sensors can help smart thermostats better detect temperature changes and adjust your HVAC usage accordingly. This activity can lower energy consumption in the process. Some smart thermostats can also detect and diagnose issues with your system.

Upgrade #2: Zoned HVAC Systems

Another upgrade worth considering is a switch from whole-home cooling to a zoned HVAC system. A zoned system separates your home’s heating and cooling into several distinct zones through dampers. Technicians can set up zoned HVAC systems to control separate floors for more efficient climate control. On the other hand, these systems can control temperatures in different rooms for increased individual comfort.

Zoned HVAC systems offer a few distinctive advantages:
Occupants in separate areas of your home can adjust HVAC settings to their comfort without making others uncomfortable.
You can individually control each zone in your home using a separate or smart thermostat.
Two-stage or variable-capacity HVAC systems can operate at a reduced capacity. This feature gives you a significant reduction in energy consumption and energy costs.
Zoned systems come with their drawbacks, however. Adding the required dampers to your existing HVAC system can increase static pressures and negatively impact duct airflow. Installing a bypass duct can help redirect excess air but also negate your energy savings.

Upgrade #3: A Variable-Speed Blower Motor

Traditional HVAC blower motors literally have a one-track mind — they’re only capable of operating at a single set speed no matter how much heating or cooling your home needs. Because your HVAC blower motor runs at full-tilt all of the time, you’ll end up with excessive energy usage as well as less control over your home’s heating and cooling.

A variable-speed blower motor, known in the HVAC business as an electronically commutated motor, offers a significant leap in HVAC efficiency and comfort. Whereas a traditional blower motor runs at 100 percent whenever it’s in motion, a variable-speed blower motor can adjust its speed to match your desired HVAC demand.

A variable-speed blower motor delivers more consistent heating and cooling and eliminates the temperature spikes common with old-school blower motors by operating at reduced speeds. Reduced speeds also mean less noise — a boon to anyone concerned with HVAC noises impacting their overall comfort.

Variable-speed blower motors use significantly less energy than their traditional counterparts as well. The motor itself also uses higher-grade internal components, giving it a longer lifespan than conventional blower motors.

Upgrade #4: Solar-Powered HVAC Systems

A growing number of homes and businesses are taking advantage of solar power. A typical solar-powered HVAC setup uses a set of solar panels to capture and convert solar energy into usable electricity and a bank of batteries to store and manage that electric energy. Upgrading your system to use the sun’s abundant resources offers an eco-friendly way to reduce your home’s energy usage.

Going solar helps reduce your home’s dependency on fossil fuel-derived electricity while saving you money on your monthly heating and cooling costs. With a battery bank installed to offset power loads and store energy, your HVAC system will also continue working during power outages. Your solar-powered upgrade may also be eligible for various local and federal tax credits that help offset installation costs.

You should not wait to invest in energy-efficient upgrades for your HVAC system. If you want to start saving money today, contact Derek Sawyer’s Heating & Air Conditioning and get started on making your existing system more energy efficient today.

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