How To Program Your Thermostat For Summer

Let Derek Sawyer's Smart Energy Help You Program Your Thermostat

Save Money And Improve Performance While Keeping Cool

We’re all happy to run our AC full blast as soon as the temperature hits 90°F, and for a good reason. Hot temperatures are not only uncomfortable, but they can also threaten the well-being of our family! However, that doesn’t mean we must push our HVAC systems to the limit 24/7. Instead, we can program our thermostat to respond to the changes in the temperature of our home so that it only works hard when it has to. Doing this can save on your utility bill and keep your air conditioner in excellent working condition.

A programmable thermostat can help keep your cooling costs low, even on hot days. All you need to do is follow these few simple steps when programming your thermostat.

Reduce The Number Of Temperature Fluctuations

Your AC works hardest when it has to change the overall temperature of your home. Suppose you constantly have to change the temperature of your home. In that case, your air conditioner will have to work much harder to meet your demands. We recommend you find your ideal temperature and stick to it to avoid these constant temperature fluctuations. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, temperatures near 78°F are the most pleasant and energy-efficient for your home. You may want to start at 78°F and slowly tweak your thermostat until you find the right temperature for you.

A Routine Helps Keep The Ideal Temperature

There is no reason to keep your AC blasting all day. Instead, it is best to teach your thermostat to adjust itself to work hard when it needs to and rest when you’re not around. It is best to schedule your thermostat around the day’s events, such as:

Early Morning

Rather than keep the air conditioning running through the night, have it turn on around ten minutes before you plan on waking up. This early start allows your home to reach a pleasant temperature before you start your day. The temperature change may even help to wake you gently!

While Away

You won’t need to run your air conditioning if you are away from home for work. However, you shouldn’t turn your thermostat off. Instead, please set it to maintain a slightly elevated temperature that would typically be comfortable for you. At 85-90°F, your AC won’t work as hard to maintain the weather but will keep your home cooler than the air outside. Keeping this temperature will make your home much easier to cool later.

Returning Home

Around half an hour before you expect to be home, set your thermometer to begin cooling your home back to your desired temperature. When you arrive at your house, the temperature should be perfect. Because the place was allowed to cool slowly, it cost you less than a sudden and sharp drop in temperature.


When it comes time for bed, don’t leave your AC running. Set your thermostat to operate normally until the time you expect to be asleep. It should either stop working until morning or only work enough to keep the house from becoming unbearably hot. It shouldn’t be difficult for your home to stay cool at night.

While this schedule will work for most people, you may have to adjust it to your specific needs.

Leave Your AC Off If No One Will Be Home

A piece of simple but helpful advice is to turn off your thermostat while you are away from home. No matter how efficient your thermostat programming may be, there is no point in cooling an empty house.

Ensure Your Home Is Sealed

While your thermostat can’t control your doors or windows, an air conditioner can only work correctly if your doors and windows are closed. Homeowners who don’t follow this advice will be unable to cool their house no matter how hard they try, as their cool air will rush out of their homes.

A Good Routine For Your Programmable Thermostat Saves Money

A proper routine for your programmable thermostat is the best way to save money on your cooling costs. Knowing these tips will allow you to not only rein in your energy costs but still maintain a cool home. However, if you find that following these tips does not lower your utility bill, you may have a more severe problem. Not to worry, the AC repair experts at Derek Sawyer’s Smart Energy Heating & Air Conditioning are prepared to tackle your most challenging repair needs.

Don’t let your air conditioning rack up a colossal bill! Instead, contact a friendly service representative at 209-266-8682 to get started.

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