An In-Depth Look Into Manual J Load Calculation

When choosing a new heating and cooling system for your Central Valley home, you have plenty of factors to consider. One such factor is how large your new HVAC system needs to be for the best performance and comfort possible. The adage one size fits all may apply to some things, but your HVAC system isn’t one of them.

The best way to size up your home’s heating and cooling needs before HVAC installation is via a manual J load calculation. If you have no idea what this is or how it benefits your home, don’t worry. The following tells you everything you need to know about the process and its impact on your home comfort.

What Manual J Load Calculation Is

A Manual J load calculation is the first step towards choosing and installing your new HVAC system. Manual J, also known as a residential load calculation, is a protocol contractors use to determine a home’s precise heating and cooling requirements.

Developed by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America, Manual J lets contractors accurately calculate heating and cooling needs on a room-by-room basis, as well as for the entire home. With the accurate data through Manual J load calculation, contractors can choose an HVAC system that’s right-sized for your home.

A major advantage of Manual J is that it’s far more accurate than the traditional rule of thumb once widely used by contractors. Using rule of thumb often results in an HVAC system that’s several times larger than it needs to be in terms of heating and cooling load.

How Your Home Benefits From Manual J

No two homes are built the same way. Differences in square footage, insulation usage, window types, and ventilation requirements can have a sizable impact on your heating and cooling needs. Additions, renovations, and even old age can change many of these characteristics, making an accurate assessment essential for installing the right HVAC system.

A common mistake that many contractors and homeowners make is choosing an HVAC system that’s too large or too small for your home. Many of these mistakes come from using rule of thumb to calculate heating and cooling loads. Simply replacing your existing HVAC system with one that’s roughly the same size can also lead to problems, especially if your current system wasn’t properly sized in the first place.

A Manual J load calculation gives you and your contractor a clearer picture of your home’s heating and cooling demands. When it comes to right sizing your HVAC system, following the Manual J protocol offers plenty of benefits:

  • You’ll get an energy-efficient system that’s precisely tailored to your home comfort needs, eliminating the clammy, uncomfortable feeling an oversized system offers.
  • You’ll get an HVAC system that costs less to purchase and install, as oversized units often add extra costs to a typical HVAC installation.
  • You’ll spend less on maintenance and repairs since oversized HVAC units often suffer from short-cycling and other issues that add wear and tear on equipment.
  • You’ll spend less monthly on electricity since your correctly sized HVAC unit doesn’t use more energy than it needs.

For the average modern home, having extra HVAC capacity simply means wasting energy and money. A Manual J load calculation gives you the most efficient heating and cooling solution possible.

What to Expect During a Manual J Load Calculation

A proper Manual J load calculation takes a broad range of factors into account. In addition to the square footage of each room in your home and total square footage, a typical load calculation also includes:

  • The number of current occupants living in your home
  • The type and number of windows your home uses, along with window coverings
  • The number of exterior doors on your home and their material type
  • The type, amount, and R-value of insulation in the attic and walls
  • The presence of vaulted ceilings in your home
  • The type of material on your roof
  • The direction your home faces

Your contractor may also perform a blower door test as part of the Manual J load calculation. The blower door test pressurizes the indoor spaces in your home, revealing the amount of air infiltration that goes on in your home. Your home’s level of air infiltration can have a drastic impact on your HVAC system’s final size.

All of the above information then goes into an ACCA-approved software program. The program crunches the numbers and returns the final results of the load calculation, letting your contractor know exactly what size heating and cooling solution is ideal for your home. You may also see your contractor go through the load calculation using pen and paper, but only to verify the software’s results.

A Manual J load calculation is essential if you plan on an HVAC replacement. The experts at Derek Sawyer’s Heating & Air Conditioning can help take care of your heating and cooling needs, from installation to regularly scheduled maintenance. Call us today.

Important Facts to Know About HVAC for Your Greenhouse

Whether you have a small greenhouse or a large indoor vegetable operation in the Modesto area, your choices of heating, cooling, and ventilation solutions can make your indoor growing space more productive. Here is what you should know.

Reduce Solar Radiation for Cooling, But Add Options

Most greenhouse vegetable plants want daytime temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If average temperatures are too high or too low, plants can stop setting fruit or bolt and begin producing seed.

In a sunny, semi-arid location like the Central Valley of California, keeping daytime temperatures down is your greatest challenge. The Modesto region is considered a Mediterranean climate according to the Köppen Climate Classification . Once the bright California sun comes streaming into a greenhouse, the internal air can rapidly rise due to the abundant solar input.

One trick to reduce temperatures in a Mediterranean-climate greenhouse is to use shade cloth. Cover part or the entire greenhouse during the most intense hours of sunlight to limit the amount of solar input.

However, some plants will suffer if they do not receive enough daytime light. When your greenhouse does not stay at optimum growing temperatures during sunny days, and reducing solar radiation does not work, talk to your HVAC professional about using additional cooling methods.

Add the Right Ventilation to Remove Hot Air

Exchanging greenhouse air for fresh outside air is a great way to cool the air temperature inside the greenhouse and reduce excess humidity. Efficient greenhouse ventilation systems often include a large air intake on one side of the greenhouse and a large air output vent or fan on the opposite side of the greenhouse.

Greenhouse ventilation is installable as a passive system of cross ventilation. Passive systems, when situated at the right levels and angles on greenhouse structures, work best in coastal areas and areas with brisk winds.

Forced-air ventilation systems usually have vented greenhouse openings and large electric fans. Fans may blow air into or out of the greenhouse to adjust the internal greenhouse temperature.

For the best results, forced-air or passive ventilation systems should be placed at greenhouse ridges, sidewalls, and gables. Experts recommend a combined cooling surface on structural vents that is no less than 15 to 30 percent of a greenhouse’s total square footage.

Your HVAC professional can assess your structures individually to determine the best placement for greenhouse forced-air ventilation systems. When combined with a high-efficiency refrigerant-based cooling system, a proper ventilation system in your greenhouse can keep your plants from overheating during a particularly hot summer season or high-heat event.

Go With Forced-Air Systems for Convenience

Forced-air ventilation systems and refrigerant-based greenhouse cooling systems are less messy than evaporative cooling systems like fog coolers or fan and pad coolers. Forced-air cooling systems also require far less maintenance than evaporative coolers.

Misting equipment on evaporative foggers need continual maintenance. Contaminated fog can spread diseases and plant pathogens throughout the greenhouse. Evaporative cooling pads need constant water. The pads need protection from direct sunlight, salt, and sand.

Multiple fans must sometimes run non-stop when using fan and pad evaporative cooling systems, so the total water and electricity usage can be significant for the fan and pad method. The fans must also be arranged in precise sequence to work with the wet pads. Zonal air conditioning and ventilation units take up less space on walls while providing effective greenhouse climate

Calculate Adequate Heating Needs

In the Central Valley, winter temperatures rarely fall below freezing. However, some plants can wither from cold temperatures that are well above freezing.

To provide year-round protection for your greenhouse plants, install a heating system of some type to augment the sunlight’s radiant warmth. Find the correct methods online to calculate how many British thermal units (BTUs) of output you need from a greenhouse heater, or ask your HVAC professional for help calculating your potential winter greenhouse heat loss.

You have many options for greenhouse heaters from wood-fired stoves to natural gas furnaces. Choose a heater or heating system that can keep your greenhouse warm even if the temperature is 15 degrees below your area’s average minimum low temperature for the year. Select a heater that uses fuel you can easily obtain and afford.

Some types of convenient greenhouse heating systems that are used in California include:

  • Electric
  • Natural gas
  • Propane or LP
  • Infrared vacuum

Your HVAC professional can help explain the various professional and commercial greenhouse heaters available. The heating pros can also safely and securely install your greenhouse heating system so it meets all codes and building requirements.

If you need a new greenhouse heater or a headhouse office air conditioning unit, contact Derek Sawyers Smart Energy Heating & Air. We source and install a variety of commercial furnaces and ventilation systems for your Central Valley, California, greenhouse and all of your commercial structures.

5 Ways to Reduce Your Commercial Structure’s Cooling Costs

Business owners who are committed to reducing facility operating costs and energy use also likely help their companies become more sustainable. Your facility’s air conditioning (AC) system is an ideal place to begin lowering your energy use. Here are five strategies to keep energy costs down while keeping your commercial structure cool.

1. Boost Your AC System Efficiency

You can change the internal temperature of your commercial structure during the hottest months without investing in huge power bills for non-stop AC operation. One way to help your AC system work more efficiently is to address heat that enters your building.

If a structure’s envelope or exterior shell has cracks, gaps, rotting places, or other openings, heat enters the structure. The pressure from an AC system helps draw in the hot air wherever leaks exist in the structural envelope.

Boost your AC efficiency by sealing your building from roof to foundation. Add insulation, weatherstripping, and caulk to areas including windows, doors, attic, and exterior walls to keep cool air inside and warm air out of the building.

2. Let There Be Cooler Light

Incandescent lights only convert 10 to 15 percent of the energy they consume into producing light. Some of the wasted energy becomes excess heat in rooms heated with incandescent lights.

Use energy-efficient lighting to lower the temperature in rooms and give your AC system a break. Install timers on lights so no bulbs or fixtures are left on in rooms where they’re not necessary.

Natural sunlight can help cut lighting costs, but the sun’s rays can also heat up rooms and work against AC efficiency. Balance the need for light with the need for cool work and client spaces as you address glass and sunlight issues.

Install thermal window coverings or treatments including draperies, blinds, shades, or curtains to keep intense sunlight out of commercial spaces. Window films are another option to reduce heat transfer into rooms through glass windows.

3. Target Key Spaces on Hot Days

Avoid being wasteful with cool air in your commercial structure. You definitely want your staff and customers to be cool, and you certainly need to protect sensitive assets including computers and servers. However, you don’t necessarily need to cool every single space in your commercial structure.

Close or partially close AC vents in unused offices, meeting rooms, closets, and storage areas. Unblock vents in rooms where AC is a necessity. Install timers or have another thermostat-control system in place to turn up the AC thermostat when the commercial structure is unoccupied.

If your commercial AC system is ready for an upgrade, consider having your HVAC professionals install zonal AC systems. Zonal or split AC systems deliver custom cooled air to individual rooms or spaces.

With a zonal system, you can keep your passionate but hot kitchen staff chilled without freezing out the customers in the dining room. Your data storage room can stay safely cool while your offices remain comfortable for everyone.

4. Enhance Your Fan Game

Consider installing ceiling fans in the hottest spaces of your commercial structure. A ceiling fan allows you to increase AC thermostat settings by four degrees Fahrenheit without reducing human comfort.

Individual workstations and workers should be encouraged to use portable fans as long as the fans are safe and don’t impact other workers, services, or products. If only one worker complains about the heat, addressing the problem on an individual level saves you from having to increase AC operation across the board.

Have a policy in place to turn off fans in unoccupied rooms. Fans cool people directly via the windchill effect and won’t change the temperature in a room.

Another way to use fans to lower cooling costs is to install variable speed fans on your AC system. Modern multi-speed AC fans allow AC systems to run more efficiently.

Rooms aren’t under- or over-cooled by constantly blasting air when you have variable-speed fans to blow cooled air at moderate rates as needed. Your AC components don’t constantly cycle on and off or run for excessive periods of time when the fan blowers operate at variable speeds.

5. Maintain Your AC Equipment

The above steps won’t significantly lower your energy-cost bottom line if your AC system is neglected or in need of repair. A poorly maintained AC system must work hard to overcome neglect from clogged ducts, dust, loose wires, wobbly fans, and other issues.

Check and service your commercial AC systems at least once a year with qualified HVAC professionals. A professional HVAC service checks dozens of key areas of the system and repairs problems before they lead to AC failure.

When you change your AC filters regularly, follow the above tips, and schedule routine maintenance of your commercial AC system, you protect your assets and keep your building more comfortable. A serviced, clean, and smooth-operating AC system is a greener AC system and will work more efficiently for your business throughout the hottest seasons.

Save on AC energy costs when you schedule inspection of your commercial AC system in Stockton, Fresno, Modesto, Chico, or Sacramento by contacting Derek Sawyer’s Heating & Air Conditioning right away. We service commercial structures throughout Central California and offer emergency AC services, too.

Find Heater Repair Agencies for Home or Workplace

Without some basic comfort provisions it is not possible to live amidst comfort and perform work efficiently these days. One such example is room heating system. Those who live in cold climate regions cannot do without room heaters. It is applicable both for domestic and commercial users. However, like all high voltage electric devices, heaters can also develop snags of various kinds. In such situations, getting it repaired becomes an utmost priority for users.

What Sort of Snags can Heaters Develop

A Heater consumes large amount of electricity and the device is comprised of plenty of machinery and wires. These parts can get worn out over extended usage. Some snags can develop owing to electrical malfunctions. These problems can lead to severe inconvenience for users. You can imagine how hard it will be to survive without efficient heating in house and office during winter months.

How Professional Heating Repair and Installation Agencies can Help

When your office or room heating system comes down on its knees, it is necessary to shire a professional Heater Repair company. These entities have the expertise and resources to diagnose the problem and fix it quickly. They can take care of problems with standalone heart units as well as central heating systems. They are also useful when you want to extend you business facility and setup fresh heating system.

Find Suitable Heater Installation and Repair Agencies in your Region

You can look for suitable and Professional Heater Repair Companies in your region through numerous ways. These agencies usually publish their ads in different magazines and print publications. The web however is the quickest way to find the companies and hire them. You can search for those entities that match your need well. For instance, you can search for those companies that cater specifically to commercial heating system maintenance and repair needs.

Select the Right Heater Service Provider from Available Choices

Professional heater service provider entities offer much more than heater repair. They can tweak your device to offer best possible energy efficiency. Some of these companies also offer heating solutions for various residential and commercial setups. Their energy efficient heating solutions can bring down your energy bills in long run. You can enjoy noiseless and efficient heating with their products installed at home.

Assess Credibility and Background of Regional Heater Service Entities

Before you sign up with a regional heater service agency for office or home heating needs, assess its track record and reputation among clients. You can check the web portfolio of the company to learn about its clientele. It is also prudent to read the reviews of its customers online. Their staffs can answer your maintenance and cost related queries.

Factors to Determine Your Choice of Heating Companies

The rapid growth of technology has taken place to an extent that it is difficult to imagine life without certain technological gadgets and equipment. Out of these, heaters and air conditioners are immensely significant, playing an important role in ensuring that we live a comfortable life. Imagine a single day without heat, especially during the chilling winters and you will definitely get an idea of how necessary it is to fix the heating system just as it malfunctions. In fact, it is not just about the convenience but a problematic heater can cause other troubles as well. So, what you need to do in this regard is find companies that offer comprehensive HVAC repair and maintenance services. If you are looking for reliable Heating Companies in Sacramento then, here is how you can come across one.


The first thing you should look for in a service provider is whether it is on the level. This refers to the license of the company, which automatically points out the expertise of the professionals who are required to handle the repair and maintenance work. It is but obvious that the task of fixing the mechanical problems in the high- end technological equipments necessitate one to have adequate knowledge. So, even if licensing is not applicable for the particular company, check out other standards that considers the company eligible enough for coming to your help.

Customer Reviews

Asking people about the services of a company that you are going to choose for some purpose has always been a rather common phenomenon. Today, this is better referred to as the practice of gathering customer reviews and is an essential way of getting convinced about the professionalism and prompt service of a heating and air conditioner repair and maintenance company.

Customer Support Services

A reliable and good company will always have its focus on offering excellent customer care services. Now, while searching for one, you have to trust your instincts to find out if that particular service- provider can pave the way for a long- term customer relation. The way the executives answer your call or the prompt manner in which they arrive at your place to undertake the repair work without delay indicates to their customer care services.

With the best service- providers by your side, you can rest assured of the fact that there will be a quick end to your discomfort. At the same time, the valuable gadget that a heater is, will be given adequate care and concern.

Essential Features of a Reputed AC Repair Service Providing Agency

The advancements in technology have brought about significant developments in the way people lead their lives. Certain electronic gadgets have made life comfortable to such an extent that it is difficult to imagine living without them. Air Conditioners are examples of such technological gadgets that are widely used in residences and commercial establishments alike. However, these are expensive appliances and like any other technological equipment, need regular maintenance. An improper use or lack of thorough maintenance of your ac machine can compel it to develop complications and cease functioning at some point of time. When this happens and that too in the middle of the scorching summer months, the first thing that you have to do is to contact an AC Repair service provider in your area and get the machine repaired as fast as possible. Here is a list of few features that the firm you choose should exhibit.

Consist of a Team of Expert Professionals

Choosing a reliable air conditioning repair firm is of utmost necessity. A malfunctioning ac machine at your residence or office paves the way for you to spend sleepless nights and uncomfortable days at work. In order to fix the problems that the machine has been facing, it is necessary to get it checked and repaired by expert professionals. Recognized firms that are well- known for their high- quality and prompt services have a team of such professionals and smart energy experts . They take little time in detecting the specific complications that the machine is afflicted with and hence, start working on it.

Use Branded Spare Parts

Technological equipments incorporate several parts and components, each of which has a distinct function. Problems in any one of these parts can create obstacles in the operation of the ac machine. Good service- providers replace these components with branded spare parts to ensure that the machine continues functioning like it had been in the past. Alongside, these repairing agencies handle emergency situations by virtue of their 24- hour’s services. While the air conditioner servicing firms can be easily located online, it is always recommended to go for the ones that carry the State License that authorize them to execute their business.

Offer Maintenance Services

It is better to undertake a regular maintenance of the ac machines to ensure their smooth functioning instead of waiting for them to stop working. Several ac repair service providers offer maintenance services to their clients and cater to their residential and commercial requirements. Facilitating thorough maintenance at regular intervals is also an essential way of preventing the ac machines from consuming excessive amount of energy.

Why Choose Space Heaters From Reputable Heating and AC Services

When it comes to heating your rooms, space heaters are the best option. Not only are they efficient but also cost-effective. Space heating systems, if bought from heating and air conditioning services of repute, can perform beyond your expectation. In this post, you will find out some good reasons for choosing them.

Space heaters are ideal for homes with less number of rooms and not many people living in. They can increase your comfort and reduce your electricity bills. Depending on your need, you can buy either electric heaters or kerosene heaters or gas heaters. The most widely used are the electric ones. They provide several advantages over their other counterparts like energy-efficiency, adequate heating, no risks of fire or gas poisoning, eco-friendliness, ease of use, ease of maintenance, and not requiring cleaning. With the right use, you can get more out of them.

At the time purchase, opt for one that comes with 2-3 heat regulators. This will help you fine-tune the heat in your room in the most optimal fashion. Also, make sure that the electrical connections in your home are properly functioning. Do not overheat your Sawyers Unit and see to it that there are no corrosion in your system.

Purchase one with a tip-over safety switch. This would shut down the unit quickly. Do not place the unit anywhere near your washroom or kitchen. And do not hesitate to contact your heating and cooling solutions company to service the unit as and when necessary.

Benefits of Programmable Thermostat from Smart Energy Experts

When you think of installing a thermostat at home, it is always better to go for a programmable one. Programmable thermostats can help you save a significant amount of costs and provide absolute comfort all throughout the year. Buying a programmable thermostat from smart energy experts or a heating and air conditioning company that creates energy-efficient products, can lead to cost-effectiveness.

Choosing a Thermostat:

  • Check out the prices of programmable thermostats and compare them with ordinary thermostats. You will get a good idea about how much you can save.
  • With programmable thermostats, you can personalize your home atmosphere. You can get just the kind of warmth or chill that you want. You can leave for work setting it on a low temperature, and at the same time set it to a warmer temperature just about an hour before you return, so that you can enjoy the comfort the moment you step in. If you like it cold when you go to sleep, just program your thermostat and it will provide you just the coolness you want. There will be significant reduction on your energy bills. This convenience is definitely worth considering.
  • There are plenty of things that your programmable thermostat can do. Some models provide 7 different settings for 7 days of the week and there are models that can be set to work differently during the week and the weekend. If you are working late, you can re-program this machine from your PC or mobile phone. There are some models that show you which part you need to change to save more energy.

There is actually a limitless list of advantages that your programmable thermostat can offer. But it has to come from reputable heating and air conditioning services providers.

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